Sunday, May 17, 2020

Bullying Is A Common Problem - 881 Words

Bullying is a common problem. Bullying is very negative and creates bigger problems for society. Since many people don`t take bullying serious, they are often left shocked and confused when an incident occurs as a result of bullying. This essay is about dealing with bullying and one teens desparate struggle to deal with the issue; which ultimately led to her suicide at the age of 15. There are many forms of bullying. Two types of bullying that Amanda experienced was emotional bullying, which includes spreading rumors, manipulating social relationships, or engaging in social exclusion, extortion, or intimidation and physical bullying which involves hitting, kicking, spitting, pushing, and taking personal belongings. The second form of bullying is sexual bullying, which involves sexual harassment and sexual abuse. (Regoli, Hewitt, Delisi,2014). There are many emotions experienced, when someone is bullied. Despite the fact, it might not show intially, a lot could be going on internally. As a result of being bullied Amanda experienced anxiety, major depression, and panic disorder. She handled with it by revolving to drugs, alcohol, and sex. In return, she suffered more pain and cause damaged to herself, as she struggled to be accepted by her peers, find someone who cares, and just to mean something to someone. Reading Amanda story I felt a sense of pity for her. I had many questions as to how she could literally feel like she has no one. Did she post her video,Show MoreRelatedBullying Is A Common Problem Among Children And Adolescents996 Words   |  4 PagesBullying is a common problem among children and adolescents (Wang, Nansel, Lannotti, 2011). Bullying takes different forms include physical (hitting), verbal (name-calling), and rational (social isolation) which are typically known as traditional bullying or cyber bullying which occurs on the internet (Wang, Nansel, Lannotti, 2011). 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