Tuesday, June 9, 2020

What Happens If Someone Plagiarizes Your College Application Essay

What Happens If Someone Plagiarizes Your College Application Essay?You may be wondering what happens if someone plagiarizes your college application essay. The answer is that it does not happen too often, but it can happen if you are careless enough to commit the offense.What you do not want to do is write a college application essay without checking to see if you have plagiarized someone else's work. You may not be able to catch yourself immediately but the earlier you catch it, the better off you will be. Just think, what would your chances be if you were accepted? You would be lucky to get in.The first thing you should know is that the school is going to question every part of your college application essay. Every line of writing is going to be scrutinized by them. What you might not know is that some schools will scrutinize your paper very closely. Others are not as strict and will give you a passing grade.One way that you can help prevent someone from plagiarizing your college a pplication essay is to make sure you proofread and edit your essay before you send it off. Make sure to proofread all the way through your essay and then go back and check for mistakes.If you find any obvious errors, make sure to go back and fix those parts of your college application essay. You may also want to take a look at the essay that was sent to the school, as they may have made mistakes of their own.What happens if someone plagiarizes your college application essay? You will be placed on probation. This means that you will be told that you are being held responsible for the error and that you are going to be penalized, but you will not be expelled.After that, you will have to wait until your term of attendance is over, as the school's rules state that you must complete your term. During that time, you will be asked to take a remedial class or take some tests. After you complete your term, you will be allowed to continue your studies.It is not easy to answer what happens if someone plagiarizes your college application essay. If you have to worry about the issue, then it may be time to go back and check that all the pieces of your essay are correct.

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